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··1123 words·6 mins
A desktop app I built to project future blood levels of a medication, based upon known values for time, dosage history, and a given substances pharmacokinetics. Built with an Angular/Electron Front-End, and a Python/Django back-end (after a brief experiment with Go).


·297 words·2 mins
A Virtual Kanban Board, built using React/Redux, and designed to emulate the subtle possibilities inherent in a physical board that I had been making use of for organization.
Stonk Ticker
Designed to scrape the reddit /wallstbets subreddit, and count stocks by mention, to try to gain insights into what people are talking about. Built with a Ruby/Python back-end, and a React front-end, it uses the unofficial YahooFinance API to corroborate the mentioned stocks with their actual real-time data (using Redis to cache the… inconsistent API responses, and maintain application functionality).
ISBN Lookup
This was a simple webpage that would look up the details of a provided ISBN from a book. It was used to populate data on the 2021 version of my website, which, for a time, featured a Library.


Kageshi Browser Extension
·1 word·1 min
A Firefox/Chrome Extension created for the now-defunct video chat website ezcapechat (formerly kageshi). It made use of the switch to JavaScript from Flash, enabling a small group of us to combine, and create some fun features to extend the base functionalities of the website.
Youtube Queue
·9 words·1 min
A communal YouTube queue for enjoying videos with my friends, created after the existing feature on ezcapechat stopped working. Built using Ruby/JavaScript. Built using Ruby and JavaScript.
··80 words·1 min
I found several strips of waterproof 12V RGB LED’s next to the dumpster, alongside a broken controller. I created a new controller using an Arduino Pro Mini, and fashioned the waterproof strips into an absurdly bright halo.


·357 words·2 mins
An incredibly ambitious logo, featuring Nixie Tubes, and a form to change the way it’s displayed. Built using Jekyll, and JavaScript.


·48 words·1 min
URL Shortener, built using Ruby and Sinatra.